Android Netrunner Comprehensive Unofficial Rules Wiki
See also the List of all identities and the identity category.

The identity card is one of the most important cards of a deck. It determines which cards you can use through the faction and influence systems, puts a minimum limit on how many cards you have to have in your deck, and provides you with a special ability that is always active throughout the game.

Page 6, Column 2, Paragraph(s) 1, Core Rule Book
Identity Card

Each player has an identity card that is placed face up in his play area. The identity card does not count toward his maximum hand or deck size, and is always active during the game.

Page 8, Column 1, Paragraph(s) 2-3, Core Rule Book
Corporation Identity Card

Identity cards indicate which identity the Corporation has assumed.

The Corporation identity card defines the Corporation's faction and describes the identity's special ability. It also provides a minimum deck size that must be observed when deckbuilding and the amount of influence available for spending on out-of-faction cards.

Page 10, Column 1, Paragraph(s) 2-3, Core Rule Book
Runner Identity Card

Identity cards indicate which identity the Runner has assumed.

The Runner identity card defines the Runner's faction and describes the identity's special ability. It also provides a minimum deck size that must be observed when constructing a deck, and the amount of influence available for spending on out-of-faction cards.


Main article: Deckbuilding[]

One identity per deck[]

One of the six restrictions of deckbuilding stipulates that a deck must be associated with an identity and never more than one identity.

Page 24, Column 2, Paragraph(s) 2, Core Rule Book
A deck must be associated with a single identity card[...]

Deck size[]

The identity chosen for a deck determines the size of the deck. A Runner deck cannot contain Corporation cards and vice versa.

Page 24, Column 2, Paragraph(s) 4, Core Rule Book
A deck associated with a Runner identity can never contain Corporation cards and vice versa.