Android Netrunner Comprehensive Unofficial Rules Wiki
For a full breakdown of all the steps in a turn, see Timing Structure of a Turn.

A turn is the time during which a single player has priority and takes his/her actions. In a game of Android: Netrunner, the Corporation player and Runner player alternate taking turns, and each sides' turn has different rules. Both the Corporation and the Runner have an Action Phase and a Discard Phase. The Corporation is the only player with a Draw Phase. Once a player has gone through all the phases of his/her turn, play passes to the other player and that player takes his/her turn.

Corporation's Turn[]

The first part of the Corporation's turn is the Draw Phase, wherein s/he draws the top card of R&D. The rest of the turn proceeds as normal, with an Action Phase and a Discard Phase. During the Corporation's turn, that player has ClickClickClick to spend performing actions. After the Discard Phase, the Corporation's turn ends, and the Runner's turn begins.

Page 12, Column 1, Paragraph(s) 4-7, Core Rule Book
The Corporation's turn consists of three phases, which he performs in the following order:
  1. Draw Phase: The Corporation draws one card from R&D.
  2. Action Phase: The Corporation has ClickClickClick with which to perform actions.
  3. Discard Phase: The Corporation discards down to his maximum hand size, if necessary.
Page 14, Column 2, Paragraph(s) 5, Core Rule Book
After the Corporation completes his Discard phase, the Runner begins his turn.

Runner's Turn[]

The Runner does not have a Draw Phase, but instead only has the standard Action and Discard Phases. During the Runner's turn, that player has ClickClickClickClick to spend performing actions. After the Discard Phase, the Runner's turn ends, and the Corporation's turn begins.

Page 15, Column 1, Paragraph(s) 1-3, Core Rule Book
The Runner's turn is divided into two phases, which he performs in the following order:
  1. Action Phase: The Runner has ClickClickClickClick with which to perform actions.
  2. Discard Phase: The Runner discards down to his maximum hand size, if necessary.
Page 15, Column 2, Paragraph(s) 15, Core Rule Book
After the Runner completes his Discard phase, the Corporation begins his turn.